The bride in a shower of happiness

When we got engaged last year and made our first wedding plans, it was quickly clear to us that our wedding should take place on our favourite island Mallorca. We took the PC and looked at some homepages of wedding planners on Mallorca, because it was too risky for us to organise a wedding completely on our own in a foreign country with unknown rules and regulations.

We were particularly inspired by the homepage of Puntorosso, as there were some wedding pictures of other bridal couples there, just as we had imagined.
As if by fate, we wrote to Claudia, who was unknown to us until then, and arranged to meet her on our next holiday in Mallorca in September to find out more.
Then our first meeting, which we had in Palma in the boathouse, exceeded our imagination of a wedding planner. Claudia was so warm and caring from the first moment that we felt we had known her forever.
She told us openly and honestly that she has mainly looked after groups up to now and only recently got into the wedding business because she enjoys it so much and that convinced us straight away.
After our meeting, she showed us a few locations, one of which really blew us away, "the Mhares Beach Club". From then on, it was clear that our wedding would take place here, in one of the most beautiful months of the year, in September 2017.
Claudia also told us about a church without a roof, which we went to see the next day and which also blew us away.

After we had chosen the locations, the rest of the contact with Claudia went from Germany via email, Whats App or phone. Claudia was always on hand with new ideas that inspired us. She quickly mastered the reservations for our locations and from then on it was all about the planning. Here she really implemented all our wishes and ideas, no matter how crazy they were, and created a wonderful programme for our dream wedding on Mallorca. She managed the contact with the organisers, took care of the permits, simply everything that we would never have managed without her. And she is not like other wedding agencies who sell packages, half of which you don't need, no not with Claudia you can do things you want to organise yourself. But she is always there and supports you where you need her.

Then, about a year later, our wedding in Mallorca. What can we say, everything was perfect!!! Our guests described it by saying it was like a wedding if you type fairytale wedding into Google and it was.
Unfortunately, it rained on the first day during the church wedding, but Claudia had a plan B for that, too, so that we had the service in the adjoining chapel. It was so cosy and everything was perfectly organised.
Over the days of our wedding, Claudia and her family really grew fond of us, they really fulfilled all our dreams, even organising a seating plan that we had designed just one day before and needed printed as a poster. It was madness. On the second day, at the ceremony at the Mhares Sea Club, I was determined to sing a song to my sweetheart at short notice. Here, too, Claudia's husband Amadeus responded to my wish at the last minute, as my ideas always do, and accompanied me on the piano.

Our conclusion, if someone is looking for an agency where you might also get a beautiful wedding organised, but is rather an impersonal number, then you are wrong with Claudia. It is a family business where everyone organises weddings with heart and passion.

Thank you very much, we will never forget these great days with you <3